Many companies in various industries still run in-plant operations related to their transactional print and mail. As a result, they have capital and operating expenses associated with production. Rising material, labor, and technology costs are making it cost prohibitive. To ease these burdens, organizations are transitioning from the in-plant model to outsourcing. In this episode of Ask the Experts, PCI Group President and Owner Chris Kropac spoke about the challenges businesses face with this change.

“It’s really the whole move itself. We employ a lift and shift model. We try to take the work as it’s currently done and do it the exact same way. We lift it to bring it to our facility, gain control of it, and then apply best practices,” Chris explained.

PCI Group completes a complete assessment of current processes to identify opportunities to level up to best practices. “Things change over time, and if you don’t update your procedures fully, there may be something that’s not 100% complete. So, we actually hire our client’s employees for a short time to work in our facility or send our employees into their in-plants to learn the process,” Chris said.

While outsourcing moves the production of print and mail, organizations don’t lose control of it. “Clients think they’ll lose control by outsourcing, but we act as your outsourced print department, and you have a direct connection to our production teams. We make sure that your job is done correctly and on time all the time,” Chris added.

Transitioning in-plant operations is an area where PCI Group has deep experience and knowledge. When customers outsource, they reduce costs, improve accuracy, enhance compliance, and maintain high quality. Learn more about the process by watching the video.

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If you are looking to streamline your print and mailing operations, partner with PCI Group to save! Our team will conduct a thorough analysis of your current setup and cost of ownership, then present you with options to help optimize efficiency and reduce your current expenses.

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