Meet Bianca Meade
How many years have you been with PCI Group?
4+ years
What’s your favorite part of your job?
I enjoy being able to problem-solve and having to think outside the box each and every day.
What do you wish to accomplish with your role as an Ambassador?
I hope that I am able to show our new hires the opportunities that PCI Group has to offer. I have learned over the past four years that if you are willing to work for them, they will work for you. PCI loves their employees.

Meet Brandon Hargrove
How many years have you been with PCI Group?
2+ years
What’s your favorite part of your job?
My favorite part of this job is the spirit of pride and teamwork fostered by the company and the individual shifts. Work can be hard, but it feels good to knock out a tough job as a team and meet all the day’s deadlines.
What is your favorite quote to live by and why?
“Life is a matter of choices, and every choice you make makes you.” -John C. Maxwell. Success in work and life is up to you! You have the power to control your destiny, you just have to do your best to make the right choice as often as you can.

Meet Brenda Medina
How many years have you been with PCI Group?
2+ years
Best advice for a new employee
Don’t listen to the negativity of others and work hard to reach anything you want to accomplish.
What is your favorite quote to live by and why?
“The sky is the limit” because you’re the only one limited yourself to do your best. We all could reach there with confidence and persistence.

Meet David Ridgeway
How many years have you been with PCI Group?
1 year
What do you wish to accomplish in your role as an Ambassador?
I hope to be able to make the on-boarding process as comfortable as possible for new employees here at PCI. I hope to bring awareness to new and current employees of PCI that if you are willing to work hard and provide worth to the company, that in turn this company can be a fulfilling place to work and grow as an individual both personally and professionally. I was in the first group of new employees that had ambassadors assigned to them and I really appreciated how it made me feel welcome, and how I had one specific person to ask questions to.

Meet Derek Grimes
How many years have you been with PCI Group?
5+ years
What is the most important attribute you bring to your job?
I think I’m a good multi-tasker and I am able to wear a lot of different hats each night. I try to help each employee with concerns the best I can. If I don’t know the answer, I will do my best to get one.
What is your favorite quote to live by and why?
“You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take” by Wayne Gretzky. It’s a great to me because you can’t have success unless you try.

Meet Donna Edwards
How many years have you been with PCI Group?
1 year
What do you wish to accomplish with your role as an Ambassador?
I consider myself a very hard worker. I am a people-person and enjoy meeting new people. I like learning different ways to work together. I feel this position will help me learn more about PCI. I enjoy my job and hope to be here for a long time. I’ve had my own company for a couple of years and know it takes a lot of hard work.

Meet Dot Givens
How many years have you been with PCI Group?
4+ years
Best advice for a new employee
To listen, ask questions and stay FOCUSED on the task at hand.
What is the most important attribute you bring to your job?
My most important attribute is my PERSONALITY. I’m am very open, honest, happy, and very energetic. I love to make our new hires feel comfortable and to let them know that it is okay to smile when they are starting their new position here at PCI Group.

Meet Lamar Fields
How many years have you been with PCI Group?
1 year
Best advice for a new employee:
Don’t get frustrated or irritated your first week if it doesn’t go the way you want it or if you think you can’t do the job. It takes time and patience and will get easier if you stay focused.
What do you wish to accomplish with your role as an Ambassador?
I hope to make the new hires comfortable, and to feel like family. I want to help them accomplish long term goals here.

Meet Marilyn Tims
How many years have you been with PCI Group?
11+ years
What do you want to accomplish with your role as an Ambassador?
I hope to make all new hires feel comfortable when they come to work, gain their trust to come and talk to me when the need arises, and be able to respect them as individuals and also gain their respect.

Meet Mary Fowler
How many years have you been with PCI Group?
1 Year
What is the most important attribute you bring to your job?
My attitude and my ability to ask questions when I’m not sure of an answer are two of my important attributes. I also always speak up when an issue is important to me. I can learn new things quickly.
What is your favorite quote to live by and why?
“Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try.” This is my favorite quote because you always have to try new things and learn to accomplish in whatever it is that you set your mind to!

Meet Megan Day
How many years have you been with PCI Group?
6+ months
What is the most important attribute you bring to your job?
I am very thorough and consistent with my work.
What do you want to accomplish with your role as an Ambassador?
I want to make the new hires feel comfortable and confident in their new position

Meet Ryan Catoe
How many years have you been with PCI Group?
6+ years
What is the most important attribute you bring to your job?
My willingness to listen and help wherever I see the need.
Best advice for a new employee:
Don’t let what other people say persuade your thoughts about people, your job, or the company. Never be afraid to ask questions and learn more.

Meet Taylor Ray
How many years have you been with PCI Group?
1+ years
What’s your favorite part of your job?
The work doesn’t seem that stressful when you have your coworkers (family) to help brighten your day.
What is the most important attribute you bring to your job?
I am a hard worker and I love making people smile.
What is your favorite quote to live by and why?
“I can do all things through Christ which strengthened me.” To me it means that I can get through any storm, battle, or issue with God on my side.

Meet Wanda Beckwith-Lee
How many years have you been with PCI Group?
4+ years
What is your favorite quote to live by and why?
Everyone is dealing with something so be kind.
What do you want to accomplish with your role in the Ambassador program?
I hope to provide all new employees with the confidence to be able to perform their job and know that there is someone who can help them along the way. I want to encourage someone and let them know that it doesn’t matter where they start, but with a little hard work, they end up where they want to be.