In part one of a two-part Ask the Experts series, Chris Kropac, PCI Group President and Co-Owner, addresses the importance of compliance in transactional direct mail. 

At the time of the company’s founding, over 50 years ago, compliance and security looked much different. There was no internet or certifications that validated protocols. However, it was always a part of PCI. Chris called it “compliance in our DNA.”

Pre-internet, the company worked on large amounts of crucial data, ensuring accuracy and security. Those projects included the first AIDS databases as well as databases for birth certifications and land titles. While these were manual processes, there was no room for error, and that became a foundation for where the world is today. Compliance started to evolve and expand once the digital transformation occurred. 

Technology entered the picture and impacted everything we knew about compliance. But PCI was already in a good position because that had a history of rigorous practices around compliance. They also innovated for all. “When one client needed something, we added it to the platform for all, helping us standardize things for them and the compliance world in general,” Chris noted.

Now PCI Group is a leader in compliance certification, including HIPAA, HITRUST, FISMA, PCI DSS, SOCI & II, and state data breach notification laws. 

These certifications are universal and represent high-quality assurance standards, so our clients can see that level of commitment. Compliance drives everything that we do, and we’re proud it’s been a constant for over 50 years. 

Print and Mail Security & Compliance

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