When businesses decide to outsource check printing, they have many options. However, not every check printer has the same procedures and processes in place to do it accurately and securely. In this episode of Ask the Experts, Print Manager Eric Weinbrenner described why companies should outsource this function to PCI Group.
“PCI Group is a white paper factor, so we didn’t want to take the risk of blank paper going out, bad stock, or even managing the stock. We came up with a solution on the I-300 cut sheet device that could print micro-text and color all in line and make a pantograph background. They can be custom or use a PCI standard one,” Eric explained.
Because PCI Group uses plain white paper, companies can reduce their costs related to check printing. It has perfing in line, so there’s no need to buy perf stock. “You can print large amounts on the roll with variable data, so you can mix these in with statements to save money on postage,” Eric said.
With a dedicated process for check printing, PCI Group can print 50,000 on a roll every two hours. In addition to increasing volume, companies that use PCI Group for check printing also enjoy a variety of benefits related to security and anti-fraud measures. Learn more by watching the video.