Six Sigma and Lean Manufacturing both focus on quality in a process, but there are differences between these two disciplines. In this episode of Ask the Experts, Director of Operations Tim Lackey explained what both concepts are and how they contribute to quality.

“The difference between Six Sigma and Lean is that Six Sigma is really based heavily on math through measurements and looking for variability in these to drive it out with decreasing tolerances. It makes things tighter. Lean, on the other hand, focuses more on problem-solving approaches and driving out ways through observations and using tools such as casual effect diagrams and standard works,” Tim said.

By combining Six Sigma and Lean, PCI Group has reached new levels of quality and accuracy. Tim added this about Lean Manufacturing: “Using standard works and 5S, we have every workstation the same to get rid of variability in the process and drive out waste.”

Six Sigma and Lean nicely complement one another. “We’re using data-driven decisions that come from these processes,” Tim shared.

As a result of the implantation of these practices, we’ve been able to improve quality in every process, and that’s what our customers expect from their transactional print and mail partner.

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