Scott Concannon, VP, Business Development discusses 3 fundamental pillars for being 99.9999% accurate in mailing.

We take accuracy to a whole new level to protect your company’s reputation. Learn more how PCI’s Letter DNA provides 99.9999% Accuracy.

Accuracy in transactional mail is imperative. Ensuring the right information goes in the correct envelope addressed to the right person is paramount to compliance. PCI Group holds a 99.9999% accurate rating. In this episode of Ask the Experts, Area VP/Solutions Partner Scott Concannon explains the process for attaining this level of accuracy.

Scott explained that three things impact accuracy—technology, process, and approach. “First is technology, second is the white paper factory, and third is Lean manufacturing and standardization.”

Scott then provided more details on these three pillars. “For technology, it’s best in class, using what’s standard today like barcodes.”

Scott counseled companies to look for certain things with a transactional mail provider and the technology they use. “They should be running new printing and insert equipment and have visibility into their production platform. Clients should be able to track work, and redundancy and data security should be part of their business model.”

Next is the white paper factory (WPF), which is the process of printing everything dynamically on a white roll of paper. “It eliminates forms, not a lot of changeovers. It’s a standard process to print black and white or color. It removes human error from the process and reduces risk,” Scott said.

The last principle is approach, which is Lean manufacturing. “It’s best in practice for transactional mail. We have over 175 standard works covering every basic step. We also aren’t QCing the mail piece. We audit the process, and last year we conducted 22,000 of these,” Scott commented.

Ultimately, technology, process, and approach earn the company its 99.9999% accuracy for clients.