PCI Group and PACE, (People for Action and Community Engagement,) a PCI Group employee led initiative to support and give back to the community, is honored to support four worthy and charitable organizations and families in need of their help for the holidays.
The four charities PACE is helping this year are HOPE Lancaster, Pilgrim’s Inn Women’s Shelter, Angel Tree—Salvation Army of Rock Hill and the Children’s Home of Lancaster County.
- HOPE (Helping Other People Effectively) Lancaster. PACE & PCI have adopted a family that has experienced economic hardship this year. The sole wage earner became disabled and has two teen boys and a third boy she had taken in who came from a dire home life where he was neglected and abused. PCI and PACE are helping the family with clothes and toiletries, kitchen items (pots & pans, silverware, etc.).
- Pilgrim’s Inn Women’s Shelter. PACE is helping a family that just arrived in the area on December 14th. PACE is providing the Mom, 4-year-old son, and 6-year-old daughter with clothes, shoes and toys for Christmas.
- Angel Tree—Salvation Army of Rock Hill. PACE is helping 20 children from the Angel Tree list by providing clothes and toys for Christmas.
- Children’s Home of Lancaster County. This is PACE’s third year supporting the Children’s Home with gifts for 22 children (8 boys; 14 girls) with giftbags that include: jumbo candy canes, headphones, Christmas cards, blank notebooks, composition books, inspirational adult coloring books, deodorant, lip balm, toothbrushes with covers, pens and long fuzzy socks.
About the Charities
HOPE (Helping Other People Effectively) Lancaster. hopeinlancaster.org/
HOPE’s mission is to provide assistance, resources and referrals that allow individuals and families in crisis situations the opportunity to recover from and move beyond short-term emergencies. HOPE focuses on Toys-for-Tots, Bound Back, a program which focuses on helping local people experiencing financial hardships to maintain healthy finances through courses, advocacy, and accountability, food drives, food pantry, and food share programs, which aims to empower individuals and families to adopt a more nutritious diet as part of a healthy lifestyle through food box participation and teaching kitchen cooking classes.
Pilgrim’s Inn Women’s Shelter. pilgrimsinn.org/
Pilgrims Inn is a multi-dimensional service agency in based in Rock Hill, York County, SC. Our goal is to assist clients who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. With a wonderful staff and many devoted volunteers, Pilgrims’ Inn is able to provide housing, emergency assistance, child care, and job readiness. Pilgrims’ Inn operates as a 501©3 agency and we are most fortunate to have ongoing support from our community.
Angel Tree—Salvation Army of Rock Hill. salvationarmycarolinas.org
Angel Tree, a Rock Hill chapter of The Salvation Army, is making a difference in the lives of people in its community. The Salvation Army is committed to using funds locally to support vital programs to help those in need.
The Lancaster Children’s Home. lancasterchildrenshome.com
The Lancaster Children’s Home is committed to providing comprehensive problem-solving services in the most effective and least restrictive setting possible. Our full array of services allows us to offer programs from a wide variety of settings and problem-solving modalities while our goal is to keep families together whenever possible. If the reunification of family is feasible for the child, we strive to reunify family as soon as possible by providing the child and family the tools they need to live together successfully. If reunification of the family is not in the best interest of the child, LCH utilizes available resources to best prepare the child for their next stage in life.