Technology provides the opportunity to understand the performance of just about anything. PCI Group has always been technology-forward. The ability to capture data from the floor and turn that into actionable insights that can optimize performance and outcomes is critical. That’s what we can do thanks to Bluecrest DirectView™ from Pitney Bowes, which is an analytics platform that comes standard on Epic® inserters. PCI Group President and Co-Owner Chris Kropac shared how the company is using this equipment.

“We have live shop floor analytics from Bluecrest DirectView. We have boards for all the Bluecrest Epic’s and MPS’s. With this data, we can build modes around jobs, whether that be a four-piece or one-piece job,” Chris said.

DirectView monitors production operations performance in real-time. We are able to access this critical information, which can improve productivity and maintain operational efficiencies. The technology delivers a transparent view of if jobs are on time.

“It tells the operator if they are on time for the job or if they are behind,” Chris added. With this awareness, the DirectView platform helps us stay as productive as possible, providing a higher ROI for our business.