The 16th Annual Burning River Endurance Run to support the Folds of Honor charity will be held July 30th – July 31st, 2022 in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio. PCI Group’s Ryan Melton will be running this 100-mile race (Wait—did you say Ryan is running a 100 miles!?!) in support of providing a high-quality education to a deserving military family.
For those who are not familiar with Folds of Honor, they are an organization that carries forth a singular, noble mission which is “to provide educational scholarships to spouses and children of America’s fallen and disabled service-members.” Their motto says it best, Honor Their Sacrifice. Educate Their Legacy.
PCI Group has volunteered to be Ryan’s primary sponsor, and in addition to this, Ryan is asking for your support. Please consider a donation for Ryan with a “per mile run” or with a “one-time” donation as he strives to complete this monstrous athletic challenge and raise enough money to fund one full Folds of Honor scholarship.
To learn more and to donate, please click on this link: The link has a blue “Pledge Now” button which will take you straight to the Folds of Honor pledge page.
Personal Note from Ryan Melton
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE click on the link above and donate to the Folds of Honor Scholarship Fund. Scroll through the website to see my weekly photo updates, view current sponsors and see the “WHY section” explaining why I signed up for this monstrosity of a race. Also, please forward this link to your friends and family. Remember, you’re not only showing support for me during this 100-mile trail race, but MORE importantly you are helping to send a deserving Folds of Honor recipient to college.
Thanks so much, and see you at the finish line!
Listen to Ryan’s interview on 100.1 WRHI below