Postal News2023-08-14T14:51:16-05:00

Postal News

Secure Email Delivery for Transactional Communications

Many consumers want to simplify how they receive and remit invoices, statements, and bills. A survey on digital bill pay determined that 85% of people are using it. These communications fall under the category of [...]

March 20th, 2024|Categories: Advanced Technologies, Blogs, Postal News, Vertical Markets|Tags: |

SECURE IT – Transactional Mail Data Processing

In transactional print and mail, every workflow involving PII (personally identifiable information) or PHI (protected health information) must be secure and compliant. The first step is the transfer of data from your records to your vendor’s [...]

March 4th, 2024|Categories: Advanced Technologies, Blogs, Postal News, Vertical Markets|Tags: |

What Businesses Need to Know About 2024 USPS Postage Fees

Every year, the USPS updates its rates and typically increases them. The Postal Service recently introduced its new prices, which, upon approval, would be effective on January 21, 2024. USPS postage fees constitute a significant expense [...]

October 17th, 2023|Categories: Advanced Technologies, Blogs, Postal News, Vertical Markets|Tags: |

USPS Announces First-Class Mail and Periodicals Service Standard Changes

On October 1, the Postal Service will implement new service standards for First-Class Mail and Periodicals which will increase delivery reliability, consistency, and efficiency for our customers and across our network. USPS states that this [...]

September 21st, 2021|Categories: Customer Newsletters, PCI News, Postal News|Tags: |

U.S. Postal Service Announces New Market Dominant Price Adjustment Schedule

Today the US Postal Service announced it will raise rates for Market Dominant services. To help customers better prepare for the new Market Dominant price adjustment schedule, the US Postal Service will NOT raise prices [...]

September 15th, 2021|Categories: Customer Newsletters, PCI News, Postal News|Tags: |