Postal News2023-08-14T14:51:16-05:00

Postal News

USPS Announces First-Class Mail and Periodicals Service Standard Changes

On October 1, the Postal Service will implement new service standards for First-Class Mail and Periodicals which will increase delivery reliability, consistency, and efficiency for our customers and across our network. USPS states that this [...]

September 21st, 2021|Categories: Customer Newsletters, PCI News, Postal News|Tags: |

U.S. Postal Service Announces New Market Dominant Price Adjustment Schedule

Today the US Postal Service announced it will raise rates for Market Dominant services. To help customers better prepare for the new Market Dominant price adjustment schedule, the US Postal Service will NOT raise prices [...]

September 15th, 2021|Categories: Customer Newsletters, PCI News, Postal News|Tags: |

U.S. Postal Service Proceeds with Rate Change Request

As part of “Delivering for America,” its 10-year plan to achieve financial sustainability and service excellence, the United States Postal Service filed notice today with the Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC) proposing price changes to take effect [...]

June 1st, 2021|Categories: Customer Newsletters, PCI News, Postal News|Tags: |

The United States Postal Service announced its 10 Year Plan – Delivering For America

The United States Postal Service announced its 10-Year Plan to achieve financial sustainability and service excellence last week. We know how important the services USPS provides to your business and ours, so we are publishing [...]

March 29th, 2021|Categories: PCI News, Postal News|Tags: |