Print and Mail Outsourcing Services

Many of today’s successful companies are moving away from staffing non-core business functions, like outsourcing print mail solutions, and shifting their resources to take advantage of what they do best – focusing on their business. This shift in approach has led them to aggressively pursue outsourcing with experts in many areas.

According to the National Association of Purchasing Managers, the category of print is the second biggest opportunity for businesses to reduce costs and improve productivity including the related costs such as Production, Warehousing, Distribution, Technology, Security.

print outsourcing solutionsPCI Group has helped many companies successfully outsource their in-plant print and mailing operations. Our step-by-step process or print outsourcing begins with an assessment of your current print operation, analysis of your postage spend, cost of ownership current and future forecast, and concludes with options of outsourcing a portion, all or none of your current operations. If you decide to outsource, we show you how you can seamlessly transition your operations to PCI Group without disruption of service.

Partner with PCI Group to streamline your operations with our print mail solutions! Our experts will analyze your current setup and cost, and offer solutions to optimize efficiency and lower expenses. With PCI Group as your print outsourcing partner, the transition will be seamless and your services will remain uninterrupted.

Many businesses have found when they examine outsourcing print mail solutions more closely, they discover many more benefits than they had originally anticipated.

There has never been a better time to take advantage of print outsourcing to:

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If you are looking to streamline your print and mailing operations, partner with PCI Group to save! Our team will conduct a thorough analysis of your current setup and cost of ownership, then present you with options to help optimize efficiency and reduce your current expenses.

Benefits Of Print Outsourcing Include:

Benefits of PCI’s Print Mail Solutions

  • Elimination of Equipment Costs. Equipment is a major investment that comes with a large annual maintenance expense and needs to be regularly updated. Utilizing industry-best equipment allows you to take advantage of new and emerging technologies with no capital investment of your own.
  • Elimination of Overtime Expenses. When print and mail services are outsourced, overtime costs are eliminated and overtime expense associated with peak periods become the outsourcer’s problem. PCI Group operates around the clock, 24/7/365.
  • Energy Cost Reduction. Printing and mailing operations are energy intensive and expensive, and so are the backup systems needed to operate them. Outsourcing eliminates these costs.
  • Postage Savings. PCI Group is a postage expert. Our team of postal experts stay on top of all of the latest postal regulations and technologies to help clients maximize savings. Using multiple levels of address management and presort automation, we analyze your mail to ensure the lowest postage rates possible. Also, when appropriate we propose solutions like duplex printing and optimizing envelope size to further reduce costs.
  • Print and Mail Consumables Cost Elimination. The management of supplies such as inks, oils and toners revert to the outsourcer. When you outsource print and mail production, your costs no longer vary based on these consumables.
  • Risk Avoidance. Outsourcing print mail solutions shift the liability for compliance-driven SLAs (service level agreements) to your print-mail outsourcing partner. Business continuity and backup planning related to printing and mailing are also shifted to the outsourcer.
  • Reporting Improvements. Companies with internal departments often depend on manual reporting by employees. PCI Group provides a suite of sophisticated online management reporting tools, that are available online, 24/7 through our proprietary technology trakPCI. Real-time reporting gives you information about your job status, as well as the in-depth data often required by managers and accounting staff.
  • Enhanced Compliance and Data Security. Complying with new regulations can require significant infrastructure upgrades. For many companies, adding new security technologies is a costly and burdensome proposition. Outsourcing places this burden on the vendor.
  • Reduced Compliance Costs. Maintaining compliance with the various regulatory standards of your business is costly. Keeping up with the latest regulations requires ongoing investment. Outsourcing with a partner that has already made these investments and whose business requires them to stay on top of the latest regulations provides significant cost savings and risk mitigation benefits.
  • Eliminated Inventory and Associated Costs. With PCI’s White Paper Factory production environment, the need for pre-printed inventory and risk of costly inventory obsolescence are eliminated. Outsourcing frees up floor space for your core business functions while maintaining control of your inventory on-line, in real-time through trakPCI.
  • Payroll Cost Reduction. Because print and mail operations are so labor intensive, payroll expense can be significant. When you outsource print and mail services, payroll and labor costs are reduced or eliminated.

Want to learn more about how PCI Group can help you improve your customer communications?

We offer a free 30-minute consultation.

If you’re ready to improve the productivity and efficiency of your communications and drive better customer engagement
contact us today.

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