Does the look of your customer communications matter? It’s certainly a question to pose when considering insurance transactional mail. The insurance industry has a high volume of letters it must send to customers. That’s a cost to you, whether you outsource or have an in-plant.
What if you could update the look of these documents with full color and modern design? It could change the way customers engage and how they act. They may even give greater notice to upselling and promotions. If they do, that turns these communications from purely a cost to a possible revenue generator.
However, you may think it’s not a capability you don’t have nor need. You may also be assuming it would increase costs. Further, you may not realize the value of the upgrade in several key scenarios.
To answer these questions and concerns, we put together this explanation below.
Full Color Doesn’t Mean Higher Costs
The cost of full color printing depends on the process. If you’re printing insurance documents in an in-plant that you operate, your output will always be expensive. How expensive depends on the equipment. It all happens in one run if you use high-speed inkjet printers that print dynamically. These specialized printers are a significant investment, and many in-plants don’t have these capabilities.
Instead, your color printing may require printing templates on one machine. Then move documents to a second for color. That’s inefficient and increases your costs.
The alternative to taking advantage of full color in insurance transactional mail is with a partner that has the right equipment and technology to make it seamless. Compare the numbers of an in-plant going full color versus using a provider. You’ll be surprised at the savings!
The Engagement Factor of Full Color
When people see color versus black and white, their brains respond differently. Researchers have conducted many studies on color versus black and white. There have also been countless studies on color’s influence on customers.
There are several subconscious (primarily) responses to colors, including:
- Blue, white, and green as trustworthy.
- Black, green, and blue as secure.
- Yellow, white, and red as speed or urgency.
Additionally, warm colors (reds, oranges, and yellows) appeal to impulse buyers who read the signs of urgency. Cool colors (blues and pinks) are more attractive to budget conscious customers who take more time in decision making.
Understanding the impact of color in interactions could help you develop a full color plan to drive engagement where you want it.
Using Color to Drive Action
What are the key areas of insurance communications that you want recipients to focus on? The most prevalent would be:
- Make a payment.
- Add a product or service.
- Be aware of renewals or cancellations with a specific date.
- Deliver other personalized information.
The newest trends in document design plus inkjet printing allow for dynamic documents. Each one can look slightly different depending on the customer’s segment. Those key areas should align with the colors that inspire feelings.
An example would be outlining payment terms in a red box to ensure they see this clearly and schedule their payment. Another is an upsell box with a customized offer in the color scheme of trustworthiness.
Color also has more appeal than bland black and white. You don’t want a rainbow, so keep it simple. Use color meaningfully to generate engagement. Also, stay within your brand palettes to ensure consistency.
Full Color Insurance Transactional Mail Inspires Action
Take your communications to customers to the next level by adopting full color. When you do this with a professional printer, you won’t incur lots of additional costs or complicate operations.
Rather, you can produce appealing documents that prompt action that increases revenue. Apply the best hues to align with goals. You can realize these benefits by working with PCI Group. We have the technology, services, and expertise to serve the insurance industry. Connect with us today to get started.