Benefits of Managed Print Services

Managing your printing is literally a full-time job, (in fact it may be many employee’s full-time job) but it’s unlikely it’s a core competency for your business. If you continue to handle all printing and mailing through an in-plant, you’ve likely experienced increased costs, supply change woes, and may not be managing the risk associated with the processing of confidential information as they should. So, why not consider managed print services? In this post, we’ll share the benefits of managed print services.

What Are Benefits of Managed Print Services?

In the transactional print and mail realm, managed print services describe outsourcing these functions to a provider. You simply provide them with the data to print, and they manage your print, taking care of everything including document design, material acquisition, print jobs, compliance, postage, sorting, and other related tasks.

You can streamline your operations by choosing managed print services. So, what are the benefits of managed print services you can enjoy?

4 Benefits of Managed Print Services

By working with a transactional printer with a MPS program, you’ll see benefits from cost savings to greater accuracy to upselling opportunities.

Reduce Costs

Print and mail communications are expensive. The equipment is a seven-figure investment. Paper costs continue to rise, and you may be paying higher rates for postage if you don’t have internal postal expertise to keep up with the changes.

There are more everyday costs as well, from energy bills to labor to added security measures. Unfortunately, you’re not likely to see any savings if you continue to have an in-plant. So, why not take advantage of the benefits of managed print services? You’ll see considerable savings instantly and will be able to shift costs from capital to operating expenses.

Learn More About Outsourcing Print and Mail Communications

Download 5 Reasons to Outsource Print and Mail

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Boost Accuracy in Mailings

How confident are you in the accuracy of your mailings? It may not be something you currently measure, but errors do occur. When they do, it’s more than just a slip-up; it’s often an act that incurs non-compliance. There are advanced tools that boost accuracy with intelligent insertion equipment, which leverages 2D barcodes and small cameras for verification that every letter makes it into the correct envelope.

Accuracy is not something you want to leave to chance. Monetary fines and reputational harm can come from too many errors and mis-mailings. Professionals that do this type of work understand that it must be accurate every time and invest in the machinery, processes, and people to do so.

benefits of managed print

Improve Customer Engagement

Your letters and documents to customers can be more engaging when they are personalized and well-designed. This may not be something you’ve thought about, but it’s a possibility with a transactional printer.

These providers help you in two ways. First, they can dynamically print on every document, so every customer gets a custom message based on the products they use, where they are, or other ways to segment. For example, if you’re an insurance company, and Customer A only purchases car coverage, you can promote all your other offerings to them.

Second, they can help you redesign and modernize your communications. This can include using full color, organizing information better, and using eye-catching graphics to represent information. The easier it is for customers to understand statements, the more likely they will respond to them (e.g., paying bills on time, inquiring about programs).

Bolster Business Processes in Compliance and Security

Print compliance and print security are the other major categories to consider in managed print services benefits. Both are must-haves for transactional mail. In addition to the technology that ensures accuracy, these providers have more compliance guardrails, including having a full-time compliance manager and certifications in an array of regulations.

Along with a strong compliance plan is the need for security, both virtually and physically. Regarding data security, providers have multiple layers that protect it in transit and at rest with encryption. Their digital infrastructure will be top tier with sophisticated firewalls and intrusion prevention systems (IPS).

Physical security matters, as well. Only authorized workers should be in spaces where transactional print and mail operations occur. Additionally, the facility should have security cameras, a gated entryway, and other best practices.

The Benefits of Managed Print Services Introduce Savings, Smoother Operations, and More

It’s easy to see why so many businesses have made the move to managed print services. These benefits reward you today and into the future. If you’re ready to transform how you handle print and mail, you’ll want to chat with the experts at PCI Group. Contact us today to learn more.