There is an inherent risk for any company that produces transactional communications, as these documents contain personal information. As a result, the production of these mailings must be accurate and in compliance with regulations. On this episode of Ask the Experts, PCI Group President and Owner Chris Kropac discussed how outsourcing transactional communications reduces risk.

On mitigating risk, Chris said, “A company that’s dedicated to transactional mail means their whole process is security, compliance, and integrity. With multiple facilities, vendors can do the work in any situation, especially in unplanned occurrences like the weather.”

An incident like weather or other disturbance could cause downtime and impact operations, but transactional print and mail companies have redundant operations, reducing risk related to on-time delivery.

Chris shared other ways risk is more manageable with a partner. “A dedicated compliance team just handles transactional mail with data security and certifications as well as physical security. It’s important to have someone that specializes in transactional mail. They are used to handling pieces that require security and compliance.”

In addition to these best practices, outsourcing transactional mail is less risky for providers that use Lean Manufacturing and Six Sigma to ensure quality and consistency. Get more insights by watching the video. 

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If you are looking to streamline your print and mailing operations, partner with PCI Group to save! Our team will conduct a thorough analysis of your current setup and cost of ownership, then present you with options to help optimize efficiency and reduce your current expenses.

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