HIPAA compliant email solutions

HIPAA allows healthcare organizations to send communications that contain PHI (protected health information) via email. Many patients and members appreciate the convenience of digital letters, statements, and documents. However, rules and regulations require specific components for HIPAA-compliant emails.

Learn about the solutions available for the industry and why certain features are critical for compliance.

What Does HIPAA Say About Email Communications?

Emails, like print and mail communications, must follow HIPAA security standards. These rules apply to individuals and organizations qualifying as HIPAA-covered entities or business associates. This group includes providers, health systems, hospitals, insurance companies, and third parties acting on their behalf.

If PHI is within any of this correspondence, it qualifies as a HIPAA email. Organizations can send these only if someone opts in to receive them with explicit consent.

The primary requirements for HIPAA-compliant emails encompass:

  • Implementation of access, audit, and integrity controls
  • ID authentication
  • Transmission security protocols
  • Access restrictions for those who aren’t the recipient
  • PHI monitoring
  • Secure archiving and retention of PHI-related communications
  • Continuous testing and improvement of security standards to safeguard emails from cybersecurity attacks
  • Data encryption at rest and in transit based on theNational Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) framework

Secure and Compliant E-Delivery Email Services

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Should a breach occur, the HIPAA Breach Notification Rule states that you must notify impacted patients or members. You can do this by email if the individual consented to receiving electronic messages.

Organizations must have a sophisticated process in place to achieve compliance. Much of this involves the platform you use for HIPAA compliance email solutions.

So, what should this system include?

HIPAA-Compliant Email Solutions: What Features and Functionality Do You Need?

The email solution you choose to send HIPAA emails must have more robust security than a general one for marketing purposes. For it to be compliant, it needs these characteristics.

HIPAA emails data encryptionEncryption

As noted, encryption of these communications is mandatory. An encrypted, certified digital platform will follow and exceed NIST’s best practices for encryption. This layer of security ensures that only those who should have access to the email are able to access it.

Data Security

In addition to encryption, data security should be a robust, comprehensive strategy. It should use firewall security and IPS (Intrusion Prevention Systems). The ecosystem where this confidential and protected information lives should be as impenetrable as possible. The best way to improve and assess data security is through regular pen tests and vulnerability assessments.

Secure File Transmission

Another area of compliance is how the data transmits from your databases to the email platform. An SFTP file transmission protocol delivers the best option for secure file processing. This is an automated process but one that leverages PGP encryption and data validation.

These make up the pillars of a HIPAA-compliant email solution. Additional features make the platform practical, as well.


Per the rules, you’ll need a secure archive to retain messages. This can connect to your email system with all the necessary security protocols.

Non-Security Features That Are Must-Haves for a HIPAA Email Solution

Just like any other email, you want to be able to pull reports on activity and look at metrics around deliverability. When comparing options, look for these valuable features:

  • Reports for bounces, opens, downloads, and unsubscribes
  • Physical letter triggers based on email waterfall rules
  • The ability to send text-only or HTML emails
  • Identification of sender certification issues to improve deliverability
  • Sender reputation monitoring
  • Email validation to remove any dead, wrong, or dangerous data
  • Tracking on inbox placement
  • Email authentication monitoring

Ensure Compliance, Deliverability, and More with the Best HIPAA Compliant Email Solution

As experts in HIPAA compliance, we send millions of letters and emails every year that contain PHI. Since we only work in the transactional communication space, we continue to improve our print, mail, and email solutions for healthcare.

As your HIPAA communication partner, you can be confident in the security and compliance of our system. Learn more about eDelivery for HIPAA today.

Want to learn more about how PCI Group can help you improve your customer transactional print communications?

We offer a free 30-minute consultation.

If you’re ready to improve the productivity and efficiency of your communications and drive better customer engagement
contact us today.

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