Can You Outsource Transactional Certified Mail?
Certified mail involves many extra steps versus standard statements or letters. As it’s a special class, many companies believe it’s not something they can outsource. The good news is that you can tap experienced print [...]
What’s Trending in the Transactional Print Industry
The transactional print industry has been part of business communications for decades. In the 21st century, it has evolved rapidly as a result of new technology, innovation, and requirements. So, what does the future look like? [...]
HIPAA Compliant Email Solutions: Options for Healthcare Organizations
HIPAA allows healthcare organizations to send communications that contain PHI (protected health information) via email. Many patients and members appreciate the convenience of digital letters, statements, and documents. However, rules and regulations require specific components for [...]
Transactional Print Management Business Solutions
For organizations that send transactional communications to customers, members, or patients, managing it in-house is increasingly more expensive and complex. Because these mailings must adhere to rules and regulations and be delivered quickly, keeping up [...]
Managed Print Services Saves You Money
In any type of print outsourcing, you can face risks and opportunities for improvement. In the compliance-focused world of transactional print and mail, you must be confident in the provider’s ability to be accurate, reliable, [...]
When Should You Send Certified Mail Letters
Transactional print and mail represent communications that have regulatory rules attached to them. Most of the time, these documents must arrive on time, and you need confirmation of their delivery. In some cases, you’ll need [...]