How to Transition from In-House Printing

Is it time to finally wind down your print and mail operations for compliance-related communications? The costs are staggering, and the regulations grow more complex. In the past few years, the trend has been to transition from in-house printing. Most organizations found it unsustainable to keep their in-plant. However, that doesn’t mean it’s not [...]

An FAQ Discussion on Outsource Printing: Your Questions Answered

Many business decisions require due diligence and asking lots of questions. In the case of outsource printing of transactional communications, the list can be long and specific. You should certainly be investigating all the facets of migrating to an outsource model and how that will impact operations, compliance, security, accuracy, quality, and costs. Because [...]

Print and Mail Solutions for Protected Customer Communications

Any customer communication that includes protected information comes with a litany of compliance requirements. Any document with PII (personally identifiable information) or PHI (protected health information) falls into this category. As they are unique, you’ll need specific print and mail solutions to remain compliant. There are significant opportunities to improve accuracy, quality, and compliance [...]

The Most Important FAQs about Outsourcing Transactional Printing to Put on Your Checklist

The complexities and resources required to print and mail transactional documents can strain organizations considerably. These mailings are different from promotional ones, as they contain personal or protected data. As a result, outsourcing transactional printing can alleviate this and provide many benefits. However, transitioning from production in-house to a partner requires a lot of [...]

In-House Printing vs. Outsource Printing for Transactional Mail: Pros and Cons

Any business that sends statements and documents to addressees, including personal or confidential information, has two choices. A company can handle this in-house or outsource it. In comparing in-house printing vs. outsource printing, each has pros and cons. Evaluating each option will reveal which is the best for your organization in terms of costs, accuracy, [...]

FAQs Heard from the Financial Industry on Outsourcing Compliant Print and Mail

The financial industry must deliver lots of customer communications containing sensitive information. As a result, this type of mail is transactional and subject to regulatory requirements. Many organizations no longer want to manage these expensive and tedious processes. More are considering outsourcing compliant print and mail. As with any change that impacts compliance, there are [...]

5 FAQs Answered on Auto Insurance Claims Printing Services

Auto insurers must print and mail many different kinds of correspondence to customers. One of the most complex is claims. These communications fall into the category of transactional print and mail, meaning there are regulatory rules to follow. They can be a considerable burden, but auto insurance claims printing is something you can outsource. [...]

2023-11-21T08:52:36-05:00November 15th, 2023|Categories: Blogs, Vertical Markets|Tags: , , , |

Consumer Lending Print and Mail Services: How to Choose a Partner

Consumer lending documents are an essential part of servicing loans. They include a wide variety, including billing statements, annual privacy disclosures, special letters, and yearly tax forms. If you’re managing this in-house, you know it’s expensive, labor-intensive, and complicated. So, why not consider consumer lending print and mail services? If you want to save [...]

2023-04-28T10:07:40-05:00April 5th, 2023|Categories: Blogs, Vertical Markets|Tags: |

Creating Bank Statements: 9 Things to Consider to Refresh Your Templates

Financial institutions have a lot of responsibilities in customer communications. These documents must follow compliance guidelines while displaying information accurately and engaging the consumer. One of the most vital communications is a bank statement. Creating bank statements is more than just putting some account numbers on a piece of paper. There are strategic considerations [...]

2023-07-27T13:48:56-05:00March 31st, 2023|Categories: Blogs, Vertical Markets|Tags: , |

Example Bank Statement Design: Best Practices on Transforming these Documents for Greater Engagement and Clarity

Banking statements are a key component of your print and mail operations. They deliver vital information to your customers regarding their accounts. If you haven’t reviewed the design and presentation of these lately, it’s worth the time. By updating and modernizing these, you can drive better engagement and ensure clarity. Let’s review best practices and [...]

2023-07-27T13:49:04-05:00March 22nd, 2023|Categories: Blogs, Vertical Markets|Tags: , |