medical collection letter

Analysis of government data revealed that U.S. consumers owe at least $220 billion in medical debt. One driver behind this is the increase in patient financial responsibility due to high-deductible coverage. This trend has driven medical collection letters to rise, as well.

These highly regulated communications have become a burden, and organizations are seeking ways to streamline these to be more effective and efficient. Shifting this work to a transactional print and mail company can offer you many benefits.

What Are Medical Collection Letter Services?

Organizations can outsource the production, printing, and mailing of medical collection letters. In this model, you send data to the provider, and they handle all the necessary steps to create and deliver these documents.

These services typically have strict protocols and processes to ensure compliance, security, accuracy, and quality.

How Do Medical Letter Collection Services Work?

The workflow for collections letters involves all these steps:

  • Secure transmission of data to the vendor
  • Confirmation of data receipt with validation
  • Address hygiene to update incorrect addresses
  • Letter setup based on approved templates
  • Printing of communications with inkjet technology and dynamic messaging features
  • Intelligent insertion of documents into envelopes
  • Letters entering the mail stream for presorting and commingling
  • Tracking of delivery of the letter

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If you are looking to streamline your print and mailing operations, partner with PCI Group to save! Our team will conduct a thorough analysis of your current setup and cost of ownership, then present you with options to help optimize efficiency and reduce your current expenses.

Each step has numerous tasks associated with it that must adhere to regulatory requirements. Innovative use of technology streamlines this workflow with automation. It happens quickly to ensure the timeliness of the letter’s arrival.

Why Should Organizations Consider Outsourcing Collection Letters for Medical Debt?

Any process that isn’t a core competency has inefficiencies or unrealized optimization opportunities. Your costs are rising. It’s harder to maintain a high level of accuracy, and the benefits of scale aren’t attainable.

medical debt collectionCompanies choose outsourcing to improve on all these things. You can expect these improvements when transitioning to working with a provider.

  • Enhanced accuracy: Transactional print and mail companies use sophisticated technology and frameworks likeLean Manufacturing to achieve high accuracy rates.
  • More efficient workflows: Working with experts in the industry improves the process. They use automation,standard works, and continuous auditing.
  • Reduced costs: Outsourcing saves you money, as the cost to produce these letters becomes an operating expense only. Budgets are no longer necessary for equipment, technology, labor, and overhead. Plus, you’ll save on postage rates.
  • Consistent compliance: Companies that produce collection letters integrate compliance into every element of the job. There are safeguards for data privacy, timeliness, and all other applicable regulations, including FDCPA (Fair Debt Collection Practices Act) and HIPAA.
  • Customization capabilities: Medical collection letters use approved templates, but personalization can be challenging without the ability to print dynamically. To do this at scale and remove the need for inserts, companies often use theWhite Paper Factory (WPF) method. It combines fully digitally composed files with in-line production to enable customization in every communication.
  • Tracking to delivery: You need to be sure collection letters reach recipients. This information is easily accessible through an online portal that provides it in real-time.

Why Choose PCI Group for Medical Collection Letter Services?

You aren’t guaranteed the benefits above with any provider. You won’t get this level of accuracy, compliance, security, and quality with a standard printer. They may have inadequate processes and equipment to improve on these metrics.

Companies trust us to be their provider because of the complete service we offer. Transactional print and mail are all we do, as well. Our approach to these communications has a strong foundation of leveraging technology and process optimization. As a result, we have a 99.9999% accuracy rating, are fully compliant with all rules, and have a culture of quality and compliance.

We’re also experts in transitioning organizations from in-house to outsourced models. Customers receive dedicated onboarding with production workflows tailored to their needs and industry rules.

Learn why so many businesses partner with us by meeting with our expert team.