Compliance & Security

Advance EOB Printing Increases

EOBs (explanation of benefits) are standard patient communication. They typically come after the patient has a health appointment. However, new legislation called the No Surprises Act is about to change this workflow. The law requires advance EOBs as a way to not “surprise” patients before a medical treatment or procedure. For some health plans, that [...]

The Latest Data Hacks and Lessons Learned

Data hacks have become a constant threat for any company. Some industries are more prone to them than others. However, if you have data, especially if it’s sensitive and confidential, then you deal with these risks. It’s not only your data security protocols that matter. If you share your data with third parties, you [...]

2022-10-19T13:15:04-05:00August 25th, 2021|Categories: Blogs, Compliance & Security|Tags: |

Patient Statement Communications

Patient statement communications are exploding in volume. Many factors are contributing to this. Not only is the world still dealing with a pandemic, but healthcare needs are on the rise as the population ages, and chronic diseases become more prevalent. Any healthcare provider or payer understands that this to be a significant part of operations. [...]

5 Ways to Improve Data Security for Your Print and Mail Communications

Data security and privacy are a priority for any organization. Those in highly regulated industries like healthcare and finance have even more concerns due to compliance mandates. Protecting your data is about your internal processes and how you share and provide it to third parties. To improve data security and privacy in all aspects, [...]

2022-11-07T15:36:55-05:00July 21st, 2021|Categories: Blogs, Compliance & Security|Tags: |

No Surprises Act Requires More Communication from Health Plans: Is Your Organization Ready?

Health plans are facing new communication requirements with the No Surprises Act. The legislation passed will force insurers to provide cost estimates before services. These changes will likely impact the volume of patient communications you send by mail, and you’ll need a plan in place to manage it. What Is the No Surprises Act? [...]

Ensuring Compliance with Chronic Condition and Treatment Plan HIPAA Letters

Approximately 133 Americans, representing 40% of the population, suffer from chronic health conditions. These diseases often require long-term therapies, medications, frequent doctor visits, and other health-related activities. The outcome of many of these is a communication from providers and insurance companies, which must follow compliance guidelines like any other HIPAA letters. This type of correspondence [...]

Why Outsource At-Home Medical Testing Healthcare Communications?

Patient Notification of Test Results LetterHealthcare is a changing industry. It’s become more consumer-focused, and this shift means that convenience is critical. On top of that, we’ve spent the last 18 months in a pandemic. Patients now want to use services like telehealth and at-home medical testing. The space has a variety of players—pharmacies, manufacturers, [...]

What Are HITRUST Compliant Healthcare Communications?

Communications from healthcare organizations must be secure and confidential. This data, no matter where it’s going or if it’s electronic or print and mail, must meet compliance mandates. Healthcare organizations and their partners have an obligation to protect this personal information, per HIPAA regulations. Beyond just HIPAA compliance, HITRUST certification is just as important. [...]

2023-07-26T14:45:44-05:00May 24th, 2021|Categories: Blogs, Compliance & Security|Tags: , |

Does Your Print and Mail Provider Hold HITRUST Certification?

In the world of healthcare transactional mail, compliance is a priority for every organization. Most of the healthcare compliance spotlight is on HIPAA regulations, which are central to the usage, privacy, and security data. But what about HITRUST? Does your print and mail provider hold HITRUST certification? That could be a gap and one [...]

2021-07-12T10:21:20-05:00April 8th, 2021|Categories: Blogs, Compliance & Security|Tags: , |

HIPAA Compliant Patient Statement Services: Why Outsourcing Just Makes Good Cents

In the heavily regulated world of healthcare, providers and payers understand their obligations for patient statement services access. While some of that is shifting toward digital based on the Interoperability and Patient Access final rule, most organizations still send millions of printed HIPAA compliant patient statement communication. Ensuring these communications are accurate and compliant [...]