
PCI Group’s Print and Mail Blogs

The Ultimate Guide to Invoice Printing and Mailing Services

May 11th, 2021|Categories: Blogs, Vertical Markets|Tags: |

The need for invoice printing and mailing services cross over many industries. These mission-critical transactional mailings are a channel to communicate and generate revenue. However, they also represent a cost that can impact your bottom [...]

Why Mainframe Systems Are NOT a Barrier to Modernizing Utility Bill Design

April 27th, 2021|Categories: Blogs, Vertical Markets|Tags: |

There are some misconceptions in the utility industry regarding bill design. Many still operate from mainframe systems, and they believe that it’s a barrier to updating or modernizing utility bill design. It’s time to clear [...]

Does Your Print and Mail Provider Hold HITRUST Certification?

April 8th, 2021|Categories: Blogs, Compliance & Security|Tags: , |

In the world of healthcare transactional mail, compliance is a priority for every organization. Most of the healthcare compliance spotlight is on HIPAA regulations, which are central to the usage, privacy, and security data. But [...]

5 Reasons to Outsource Transactional Mail

March 22nd, 2021|Categories: Blogs, Outsource Statement Printing|Tags: , , |

Should you outsource transactional mail? There are many reasons why this is a good business move. You can improve quality, reduce costs, and more. While we live in a very digital world, print and mail [...]

Utility Invoice and Utility Bill Printing Services: Connect with Customers with Integrated Marketing Messages

March 11th, 2021|Categories: Blogs, Vertical Markets|Tags: |

Can a utility bill be more than just a transactional invoice? Yes, it can when you use it to customize marketing messages. Utility printing services enable you to do this, which creates better connections with customers. [...]

HIPAA Compliant Patient Statement Services: Why Outsourcing Just Makes Good Cents

February 24th, 2021|Categories: Blogs, Compliance & Security, Outsource Statement Printing|Tags: , , |

In the heavily regulated world of healthcare, providers and payers understand their obligations for patient statement services access. While some of that is shifting toward digital based on the Interoperability and Patient Access final rule, [...]

Outsource Statement Printing: Why You Should Outsource This Cost Driver

February 4th, 2021|Categories: Blogs, Outsource Statement Printing|Tags: , |

Companies have long looked at outsourcing as a cost reducer. It’s a leading reason why businesses choose to move some work to partners. Statement printing outsourcing is an area that more industries should consider. If [...]

Printing Outsourcing Services: Why You Need to Adopt This Year

February 2nd, 2021|Categories: Blogs, Outsource Statement Printing|Tags: , |

Businesses still have some hard choices to make regarding cutting costs and improving efficiencies. A disruptive 2020 still has many companies struggling to survive, reexamining operations that no longer make fiscal sense. One such area [...]

Outsourced Utility Billing Services

January 6th, 2021|Categories: Blogs, Outsource Statement Printing, Vertical Markets|Tags: , , |

Outsourced utility billing services is a smart move for the industry. Spending time and resources on statement printing and invoicing isn’t your core competency. Billing is certainly a critical function, but that doesn’t mean you [...]

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