Print and Mail Business Continuity

Mailing Disaster Recovery Plan

Having a business continuity plan is a pillar for any organization. It’s the blueprint of what to do when disruptions to business occur. In the modern world, that can include many things, from natural disasters to cyber-attacks to pandemics. One pivotal part of business continuity is a mailing disaster recovery plan. However, just because you [...]

Reevaluating Business Continuity and Cybersecurity in the Wake of Recent Hacks

High-profile hacks have been front-page news in 2021. Ransomware attacks deployed by threat actors crippled the eastern U.S. pipelines and shut down operations for a major meat-processing plant. These incidents aren’t outliers. They are becoming the norm, which means it’s time for businesses to reevaluate your printing business continuity plan and cybersecurity. There seems [...]

Rethinking Your Print and Mail In-Plant: Does It Make Fiscal Sense Post-COVID?

Huge disruptions are impacting businesses due to COVID. Many are considering operational changes. Rethinking your print and mail in-plant should be part of the assessment. Rethinking Your Print and Mail In-Plant: Does It Make Fiscal Sense Post-COVID? COVID-19 has many companies reexamining operations. In some cases, roles have been able to be transitioned to [...]

Has COVID-19 Put a Wrench in Your Print and Mail In-Plant Business Continuity Management Mail or Disaster Recovery Plan?

COVID-19 is causing huge challenges for your print and mail in-plant business continuity. Explore ways to create a better and more accurate safety net with PCI Group. Has COVID-19 Put a Wrench in Your Print and Mail In-Plant Business Continuity or Disaster Recovery Plan? Are your in-plant operations experiencing shutdowns or limited availability due [...]

What’s Your Printing and Mailing Business Continuity Plan Provider Hiding?

What You Need to Know About Their Business Continuity Plan Working with a vendor to print and mail your customer communications offers many benefits. By outsourcing, you no longer have to worry about all the things having an in-house system requires, including business continuity. But, you must ensure that your vendor’s plan meets your [...]

2021-09-20T07:41:26-05:00December 12th, 2019|Categories: Blogs, Business Continuity|Tags: , |

What You Need to Know About Business Continuity Print Services

Business continuity and disaster recovery keep your organization running in the face of serious events. While you probably have a plan, how sure are you that it covers everything? Because one-third of businesses with one in place were still unprepared when a response was needed. Plans are great, but the modern business continuity plan [...]

2022-10-19T13:21:03-05:00December 12th, 2019|Categories: Blogs, Business Continuity|Tags: , |

C-Suite Leaders, What You Need to Know About Print and Mail Business Continuity Plan

Business continuity and disaster recovery keep your organization running in the face of serious events. While you probably have a plan, how sure are you that it covers everything? Because one-third of businesses with one in place were still unprepared when a response was needed. Plans are great, but the modern business continuity plan should [...]

2021-12-13T14:56:37-05:00September 30th, 2019|Categories: Blogs, Business Continuity|Tags: , |

What You Don’t Know Could Hurt You in Business Continuity Print

Questions to Ask About How You’ll Continue Print & Mail Operations Feel confident in your print and mail business continuity plan? Most businesses have a plan, but that doesn’t mean it’s an effective one. And having one that is formalized isn’t a given. A recent survey found that 40% of companies do not have [...]

2024-12-23T13:55:53-05:00September 30th, 2019|Categories: Blogs, Business Continuity|Tags: , |

Don’t Forget About Business Continuity For Customer Communications

Why It Will Cost You Business continuity plans aren’t an option, they are a necessity. If something happens to halt operations, you need to be up and running as quickly as possible. Most plans focus on critical core functions. Your step-by-step plan covers the details of how to quickly resume your most important operations. [...]

2024-12-23T12:00:16-05:00September 30th, 2019|Categories: Blogs, Business Continuity|Tags: , |

The Dark Side of Business Continuity: What Not to Do

No company ever wants to face a disaster, especially in relation to mission-critical customer communications. As much as you may do everything in your power to prevent something, there’s too much outside your control. You must be prepared should you be unable to print and mail customer communications. Being prepared with a business continuity [...]

2024-12-23T13:13:33-05:00September 30th, 2019|Categories: Blogs, Business Continuity|Tags: , |