Vertical Markets

Will Outsourced Printing and Mailing Services Save You Time and Money?

Every cost in your company has an impact on revenue. In a time when cost-cutting and profit optimization are essential for a healthy business, you may not be aware of how some business functions affect your bottom line. In-housing printing of transactional mail is one such component. Outsourcing this to experts helps you protect your [...]

5 FAQs Answered on Auto Insurance Claims Printing Services

Auto insurers must print and mail many different kinds of correspondence to customers. One of the most complex is claims. These communications fall into the category of transactional print and mail, meaning there are regulatory rules to follow. They can be a considerable burden, but auto insurance claims printing is something you can outsource. [...]

2023-11-21T08:52:36-05:00November 15th, 2023|Categories: Blogs, Vertical Markets|Tags: , , , |

Will Outsourced Printing and Mailing Services Save You Time and Money?

Outsourcing is a business strategy many companies pursue in the name of savings. If something isn’t your core competency, it makes sense to transition it to experts. Outsourced printing and mailing services fit into this category. By removing the cost, resource, and time restraints of transactional print and mail, your organization can realize so [...]

2023-11-21T08:27:08-05:00November 6th, 2023|Categories: Blogs, Outsource Statement Printing, Vertical Markets|Tags: |

What Are the Reasons for Outsourcing Utility Bill Printing? Get Answers in this FAQ.

Organizations are constantly seeking ways to reduce costs and limit expenses. Utility companies must continuously manage their budgets while also delivering on customer expectations. One of your most important areas of interaction is the statements you send each month. They must be compliant, high quality, on time, and accurate. The ability to do this [...]

2024-11-21T14:36:38-05:00October 25th, 2023|Categories: Blogs, Outsource Statement Printing, Vertical Markets|Tags: |

What Businesses Need to Know About 2024 USPS Postage Fees

Every year, the USPS updates its rates and typically increases them. The Postal Service recently introduced its new prices, which, upon approval, would be effective on January 21, 2024. USPS postage fees constitute a significant expense for companies that send transactional mail, and lowering what you pay is often out of reach due to [...]

2024-11-21T14:39:47-05:00October 17th, 2023|Categories: Advanced Technologies, Blogs, Postal News, Vertical Markets|Tags: |

Which Transactional Print and Mail Services Will Save You Money?

As companies look to reduce costs across the enterprise, they often consider outsourcing non-core functions. Shifting work to companies specializing in an area has many savings advantages. One area that organizations should consider is transactional print and mail services. For any business that must deliver compliant, accurate communications to customers, you’re likely spending too [...]

Consumers Still Want Printed Property and Casualty Insurance Documents: Outsource to Reduce Costs and Burdens

Your customers rely on you to minimize their risk and protect their assets. Trust is a big part of the relationship between consumers and insurance companies. To ensure you keep this, you need to deliver communications to them in the channels they prefer that are secure and accurate. While some have chosen to go [...]

The Top 5 FAQs on Statement Printing and Mailing Services

Providing your customers with compliant, accurate, high-quality statements is a business requirement. These documents have many rules governing how you print and mail them. They also have a lot of costs, and require advanced equipment, sophisticated workflows, and labor. With all these elements and complexity, many companies are evaluating their options to outsource their [...]

You Asked; We Answered: 7 FAQs to Review When Outsourcing Property and Casualty Insurance Claims Mail

When making big decisions about changing processes and moving to outsourcing activities, companies have lots of questions to ponder. We work with many businesses that move from an in-house to an outsourced model for transactional print and mail. In this FAQ block, we’ll cover those to ask when considering it for property and casualty [...]

Why You Should Outsource Invoice Printing: Save Money, Increase Quality

Companies that thrive and grow revenue have something in common—they focus on their core business capabilities. When they do this, they find that letting other experts support other parts of their operation only makes sense. One of those categories is transactional print and mail, and in this post, we’re going to talk specifically about [...]